Corporate Banking

Corporate Banking

We offer a wide range of products and services to deliver quality banking solutions to both existing and potential clients...

Corporate Current Account

This account offers you seamless banking services to handle your transactions. This account is only available for companies whose owners are limited by liability...

Business Financing

When it comes to securing business finance, it’s always important to make sound business decisions...

Transactional Banking Services

We offer a range of commercial banking Products and Services for our corporate clients including domestic and cross-border payments, international trade finance as well as depository, custody and other related services...

HerMes Trust Bank Call Account

This unique investment account is designed for corporate businesses who value security and high benefits...

Corporate & Project Financing

Our qualified and dedicated team is responsible for the financing of investments in nearly all economic sectors...

Proxy Pay

Proxy Pay is a payment service which can be accessed on the Mobile Banking (*771#) Platform that allows corporate clients to register a mobile number or alias that is uniquely mapped to their bank accounts...


HerMes Trust Bank Corporate Internet Banking grants businesses to manage their business finances anywhere and anytime...

HerMes Trust Bank e-Alert

Need quick and convenient updates on your corporate account, why don’t you sign up our HerMes Trust Bank E-Alert service...

Our Partnerships

The Bank is positioned to offer enhanced value to our corporate clients through the following strategic partnerships...

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HerMes Trust Bank is a PFI (Partner Financial Institution) of DBG
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