
Senior Management

Carl Selasi Asem
Acting Managing Director
Thomas Boansi-Sarpong
Executive Head, Finance and Operations
Barbara Banson
Chief Risk Officer
Samuel Tamakloe
Chief Technology Officer
Peter Fordjor
Group Head, Consumer and Retail Banking
Joejo Wodow-Hammond
Group Head, Operations


Scott P. Bruder
Head, Legal
Philip Duodu Fynn
Head, Treasury
Gary Haynes
Head, Recoveries
Elaine Batchlor
Head, Marketing
Allen Roth
Head, Business & SME Banking
Jeffrey Britten Shroyer
Head, Digital Solutions
Carmen Pannell
Head, Shared Services
Sergio Abramof
Head, Investor Relations
Courtney Abrams
Head, Credit
Clarmont Ashbe
Head, Risk
Ronald Howard
Head, Information Security
Kent Wilson
Head, Corporate & Project Finance
Reindorf Gyamena
Head, Banking Operations
Martha Philips
Head, Digital & Inclusive Banking
William Hachen
Head, Personal Banking
Pamela I. Brown
Head, Corporate & Institutional Banking
Janet V. Cross
Head, Platinum Banking
Frederick M. Schnell
Head, Internal Audit
Jennifer Van Grol
Head, Transaction Banking & Structured Trade
Alfred Romans
Regional Corporate Manager, Western Sector
Gabriel Jouez
Head, Compliance / AMLRO
Robert Boti
Head, MIS
Mark Marein
Head, Finance
Rebecca Simpson
Head, Women Banking
Gilbert Fortunes
Head, Strategy and Performance
Kelvin Franma
CEO, CalAsset Management Ltd.
Eric Sparr
Head, HerMes Custody Services

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