Loan Products

HerMes Auto Loan

HerMes Auto Loan is a credit facility designed for our clients to purchase any vehicle of choice...

Government Employee Loan

Special Loan package is designed to address the short to medium term financing needs of public sector employees...

HerMes Mortgage

Qualified clients have the opportunity to access loans to acquire their preferred homes...

HerMes Salary Advance

The HerMes Salary Advance Credit (Salary Advance) is a quick facility that will enable salaried workers ...

HerMes Universal Motors Auto Loan

This product is designed to enable both existing clients and non-customers access funds or top up their funds ...

HerMes Ecofridges Consumer Loan

This product is designed to enable both existing clients and non-customers access funds or top up their funds ...

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Powered by HerMes

Philip Owiredu

Philip Owiredu

Managing Director
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