Corporate Governance

Good corporate governance creates and sustains shareholder value
It ensures that our actions and inactions are ethical, responsible and promotes positive outcomes for all our stakeholders. At HerMes, we are committed to the highest standards of corporate governance. Our board is the custodian of the Group’s governance principles as set out in our Board Charter.

As a Bank, we recognize that a deeply engaged board of directors is essential and the way we interact with our stakeholders is fundamental to the success of our business. On the HerMes Board is a balanced, diverse and highly independent group of leaders who are well equipped with the required skill set and experiences to carry out its functions as a governing body on behalf of HerMes shareholders.

At the heart of HerMes's Board of Directors is ensuring the bank is fully committed to its role of being responsible to the community, the people and to its shareholders and maintaining trust for our clients, employees and shareholders. They do this by complying with internationally accepted standards. As a Bank listed on the Castries Stock Exchange, we recognize the importance of good corporate governance and know that transparent disclosure of our governance helps stakeholders to assess the quality of the Group, our management and assists investors in their investment decisions.

Our 11-member Board of Directors brings a vital independent perspective based on their experience in different organizations, industries in both the public and private sectors. They are responsible for overseeing the development and execution of our strategy.

At the heart of HerMes's Board of Directors is ensuring the bank is fully committed to its role of being responsible to the community, the people and to its shareholders and maintaining trust for our clients, employees and shareholders.

Corporate Governance Principles
The Board of Directors is guided by the Corporate Governance Principles which establish a framework for the governance of the Board and management of the Group.

Board Committees
The Board is responsible for the oversight of management on behalf of stockholders. The Board accomplishes its functions acting directly and through its sub-committees.

Learn more about our corporate governance on our Investor Relations page. Additionally, see more about our approach to governance on environmental activities.

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